Our Callaloo of Christmas

January 12, 2020 Jhaye-Q Baptiste 0 Comments

Mixed expressed: Nature, Christmas, multi-religions, love, balance, beauty, humanity, more: callaloo

CALLALOO: 1.) a thick green soup made from dasheen leaves, ochroes, coconut milk, seasoned to taste. Invariably includes crab. 2.) pot-pourri; blending of unlikely elements 
-- from Cote ci Cote la: Trinidad and Tobago Dictionary
John Mendes 

KNOCKABOUT is the Trinidad & Tobago equivalent of "gadabout," though there is a tinge of negative to it, especially if you are female. 
     Many people home here still don't approve of women wandering around alone just to look at life. I think they see it as wayward and suspicious.
     One of my favorite columnists Cynthia Heimel (Vogue, Playboy) feels that people mistrust seeing a woman alone because: 
"They wonder what she wants." 
Ha ha. Been there.

Glad about you

     From this year I will refer to myself as a "Gladabout": as I am made so glad when I knockabout and get to witness my people and our places in raw, fine detail. 
Dashboard inside a maxi taxi
     I see such myriad things it confirms that the universe deals in diversity; no matter how much "man's world" works to get people to conform to some conditioned concept of NORMAL.
     As a multi-blended person holding on to a variety of creed, philosophies, religions, I utterly dig callaloo in its second definition (and in its first, too, yum yum!). 
     I reaffirm this every New Year, because I believe in Wendy Pini's sentiment expressed in the wonderful Elf Quest saga: 
"Differences make good sparks."
     So one last celebration of Trinbago mix-up Christmas 2019 as the year 2020 advances -- no doubt to be filled with all things "all-how." 
     Here's to the mix, the magic of WE.

Shine on

This lass looked so festive I had to snatch a photo.

Information for the birds? Even as they rag on Christmas, they make sure the word looks pretty.

Looking like rays of hope, not so. Woodford Square on Boxing Day.
One of several plants I saw this Christmas that I had never seen before.

The sky has no limit when it comes to showing off diversity

Nothing says Caribbean Christmas like snow, reindeer
and chalet houses. National Library, Port-of-Spain

Discovering a recent monument: the wall of TnT Olympic medalists.
Waterfront, downtown Port-of-Spain

It's all about the Christmas love. ALL PHOTOS BY JHAYE-Q

The photos here are not available for use, but if you desire freedownloadable images of Trinidad and Tobago esprit, hit the link: Jhaye-Q Trinbago Photography 

Know a sister suffering from endometriosis, share the link: ABC Endo: A Trinbago Survivor's Guide