I Do Want to Wait in Rain

December 21, 2019 Jhaye-Q Baptiste 0 Comments

THERE'S something special about walking alone under an umbrella on a lonely street in the rain.

     In fact, unless you're heading out to do like Peppa Pig's "Jumping up and down in muddy puddles"; or you are inclined to engage in some other decidedly less childlike up-down, I'd suggest that rain is best enjoyed solo.

     I think Hollywood storytelling has done rain a bad turn by what it has conditioned us to accept as expected rain activity. People are either falling in love in the rain; confessing love in the rain; getting their hearts broken in the rain; kung-fu fighting in the rain, facing team-sport challenges or triumphs in the rain. The general message seems to be that rain requires company. 

     And if you are alone in the rain in a flick, it's usually following the "getting your heart broken in the rain" enactment, so you're only alone in the rain because you are in despair and, thus, in an unnatural position that needs to be fixed before the end credits.

Claim it on the rain

     Spare a moment to talk to anyone who says they love the rain, and they'll back up my claims. Like Buzzle.com opines: 
"Rain + Coffee = Best Cure for Writer's Block." 
     If your writer's block is cured, it means you're going to write; and no writer getting over writer's block does that while hankering after company. So there! The therapy of rain works best on the soul in single status.

     It's not that you have to run around in the cold and wet by yourself. There are ever so many other ways to bask in the overflow of delicious, delightful pleasures that a cloudburst can descend upon you.

     I love long bus rides through the rain, especially with a window seat and a thick shawl. Or curling up on a couch with a cup of something hot and sweet to look out at the dripping world. Or getting between the covers -- of a good book I mean, while raindrops pitter-patter, fandango or stomp-the-yard on the roof outside. 

      Or walking around in the cold and wet by myself ... taking photos of flowers and things.

     Hey, just be imaginative and find your something.

Shine on

Top: out a bus window. This: also out a bus window 😏 Photos by Jhaye-Q