Sourpatch Soul Seeks Something More

January 30, 2019 Jhaye-Q Baptiste 0 Comments

Resolutions are really about evolution. Why not leap at the chance to change for the better.

(First published January 1st 2019 on the blog Trinbago Come Good)

MY NEW YEAR tradition, like my Christmas tradition, involves solitude, prayer, reflection and, yes, writing. 
     In TnT there's this superstition that whatever you are doing as Old Year's night gives over to New Year's day is what you will be doing the most of in the ensuing year. So I always try to make sure I'm writing leading up to and past the time when fireworks start going off like the year was born on the 4th of July.
     Years now I've made one resolution that I try to keep, invariably break, try to keep, invariably break, try to ... you get it. I resolve to do everything I say I am going to do. As resolutions go, it might seem to some like wishing for more wishes; but think about it. I once told a man, "All our words are promises or else they are lies." Melodramatic, moi.

Living moves

     It is officially the New Year as I am writing this, and I wanted to share something; though not quite sure what. So I did my requisite bit of writing, and as she who writes must read, I did some of that, too. I found something that I would like to offer.
It is an excerpt from the current book my writer's collective, Four of SoUL, is working on, called, From Dancing to Dying: A Wait on Death. I won't elaborate, but trust that the words will find personal meaning to you one way or another.

"I think evolution is God's way of allowing us a hand in His creation."
     I shift on the stone to stare at Shiloh, "If I were God, and that were true, I wouldn't let it happen. Humans are so messed up, I wouldn't trust them to remake anything. There's good, sure. But there's so much evil. We're like that candy, Sour Patch Kids, but opposite. We should just get eaten or sucked or something. Completely, I mean, and got out of the way altogether."
     Shiloh watches me softly, sort of smiley-sad.
  "And who would get eaten, do you think, Ashes? If everyone with good and ill in them got eaten, who all would have to go down?"
     Shiloh regards our hands side by side as she says,"We seldom stop to think that we are dual-natured for a reason, do we Ashes? But maybe we're born to this life for exactly that: to live as much as we can.
     "I do not like to know bad things happen to anyone. Nor do you, I'm sure. Suppose it's all to a purpose. Suppose our climb up is spurred by our falling down. There's a statement in Trini-speak, 'Only dog like bone.' It's to say that we -- people, human beings -- want something more. Naturally. Like it is natural, I mean. Like it's our nature.
   "So that much we know about ourselves. What we don't know quite as well is what we should want. Confused about that we ... trip up, do damage. Maybe that's what bad is."
If doing bad is truly something like a trip, then to curb it we can start by taking the advice in another Trini-speak statement: Catch yuh falling self!

Shine on